Sunday, June 18, 2023

KA 3511 controller power supply voltage adjustable

 You can remove protection of ka3511 and modify to adjustable voltage regulator like image :


You can modify yourself.

Oppo A83 unlock with MRT V2.60

 Steps to unlock oppo A83 screen lock

1. MRT V2.60

2. Go to MTK Tools setting like next image 

3. We need a test point on oppo a83 device

4. Click on start 

Wait when the process complate, like image at steps 2.

5. When finish the phone no restart automatically, and you can start it manually.

Now setup device to use and enjoy.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sn51dp protect, led driver

 Maneira hadia driver led sn51dp protect, ita bele connect resistor 22k entre gnd ho pin 6 driver sn51dp hodi halo led lakan normal fali. Tuir mai datasheet ic driver sn51dp:

Liga resistor 22 k husi pin 6 (ref) ba gnd.